Romsey Strip Poker party

TLDR: If you haven't played poker before relax, we'll teach you. Once naked, losers perform a dare. The dares are pre-agreed by the whole group, so everyone's limits are respected. The organiser has held over a dozen strip poker parties, so you're in good hands. FAQs below.

How to Play Poker

We'll teach you. It's easy. Also, we'll have a 'cheat sheet' that you can refer to throughout the game.

Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels:

The Dares

Limits are respected. The game will be as vanilla or daring as suits the whole group.

Photo by Cytonn Photography from Pexels:


Romsey is cheap and easy to reach by train and bus from Southampton, Winchester and Salisbury.The house is in easy walking distance from the centre of the town. You'll be messaged with the exact location.Click the 'more' button for car parking details.

Photo by Jen from Pexels:

What To Bring

Bring anything you want to drink. Red wine is fine SO LONG AS you don't spill it on the carpet! Snacks too, if you wish.Think about what dares you'd like to see happen, so that you can contribute to the discussions when we set the dares!Some people like to bring a clean towel to sit on.Bring anything else you feel would enhance the evening but don't get upset if the group decide we don't use them.

Photo by Castorly Stock from Pexels:

What if I can't make it?

These parties are fun. There is usually a waiting list. Please be decent and let the organiser know in good time if you can't make it so that someone on the waiting list can be invited.I get that you might be nervous. Just come! It'll be fun.If you're invited and either don't arrive or cancel at the last minute, you won't be invited back.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels:

Who Will Be There?

The organiser is on FabGuys, Fetlife, Grindr, and X. He mentions these parties and invites people who show an interest.Most people are neither gym-fit gods or skinny twinks. Just be a decent person. If it needs saying, your skin colour is irrelevant. The age range is typically 20 - 49.The organiser will chat with you and ask for chest and belly pictures. If you get invited, you can relax.

Photo by Nicholas Swatz:


I'm Nervous!
GREAT! You'll enjoy it more! Having your boundaries pushed is exhilarating. Almost everyone feels anxious having to strip in front of strangers. That's why this is fun!

Will it be full of pervs?
The organiser does their very best to ensure that everyone who attends is a decent, relatively in-shape person. This happens in their house! They are quite picky.

I'm not gay!
You'll be amazed at how many straight guys enjoy playing strip and dare games with other naked men. You definitely won't be the first straight guy to show up. Relax. It'll be fun.

What if I chicken out?
Before any hand is dealt, the dare must be agreed by everyone playing. Just ensure you speak-up if you wouldn't be prepared to do any dare that's suggested.

What if I get hard?
I suspect we'd all be disappointed if you didn't.

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How We Play Strip Poker

We'll be playing the easiest form of poker, with a few changes to make it into a strip/dare game.Before each round starts, we will discuss what dare the loser of this hand will be required to do. Anyone can suggest a dare, so think of some ideas.IMPORTANT: Everyone must agree before we move on. This is important so that everyone's limits are respected. The organiser is VERY strict on this. This can make the game more vanilla than some people like, but we can discuss arranging a party for the more daring people once the organiser has met you.You'll be dealt five cards. Pick them up and look at them.The aim is to get a good hand. If you need it, we'll give you a chart to help you remember which are the best hands.One at a time, the dealer will offer every player the chance to give back one or more of their cards. you don't have to do this but, if you do, they will be replaced with new cards taken from the top of the deck. We will go around the group twice.Now everyone shows their cards to the rest of the group.The person with the worst hand is the loser and must perform the dare.We keep doing this until everyone is naked except one person. That person is the winner.Towards the end of the game, we will discuss what reward the winners gets.

AI generated photo. Not the room in which you'll be playing.

The Dares

I created this website for free. That means I have to abide by their rules or this page will be taken down.For that reason, I can't go into great detail about what dares have happened in the past. Message me!Let me just say this:First, how daring the evening is depend so much on who attends. Sometimes it's a very safe, vanilla evening, other times it's full on. Sometimes it's very sexual, other times it's just nudity and people looking foolish.Second, if this is your first time attending, you'll be safe. You must agree every dare or it doesn't happen. You will never be asked to do something that you didn't agree to. The aim is that it's always safe and fun. The idea is to safely push boundaries, not to cause discomfort. First-timers are never invited to advanced parties.If that makes this party boring for you, let me know. I'll add you to the list of guys who enjoy more sexual, kink, or risqué parties. Think of your first party as me being the 'Sorting Hat' and deciding whether I want you back. If you get an invitation to the next party, I'll make sure the group is one you'd be best suited for.

AI generated photo. Not the room in which you'll be playing.


This happens in a private home in the centre of Romsey, Hampshire. It's a short walk from the train and bus stations.If travelling by bus or train, check the end time of the party to ensure you can get back home. You may be better off travelling by train as these tend to run later. If you get stuck, chat with the organiser.If you're driving, park for here: It's free between 4 pm and 8.30 am, and all day on Sundays.